Mission Statement

West Haven has had my heart since my husband Gus and I settled here, in his family hometown, 25 years ago. As we raised our six children here, I’ve always looked for ways to support my community. I’ve volunteered with the PTA and cub scouts, coached softball teams, and picked up litter.
Still, the best way I’ve found to strengthen our community is through my service as mayor. The mayor's job is to put the heart in our community, to make it a place in which we all can be proud to live. I’ve worked hard to improve the quality of life for all of our residents, no matter their age or interests. That includes hosting monthly senior luncheons, expanding West Haven Days, planning quarterly mayor’s seminars, facilitating Touch-A-Truck, starting Heart of the Holidays, maintaining the annual RMPRA Rodeo, and placing historical markers to preserve our heritage.
As an accountant, I’m especially focused on fiscal responsibility. I’ve obtained grants to pay for programs and events as well as new parks and amenities, all while putting away money in our rainy day fund.
I’m a mom, wife, grandma, neighbor, and proud West Haven resident. I want to continue working for you.
Please feel free to contact me by e-mail at theboli@live.com, or by phone at 801-668-9277. Find me on Facebook - Elect Sharon Bolos.